
i miss my bike & my longboard more than misha barton misses her career

when i was 15 my grandpa who was known as the "bike man" on the block got me a dirt bike.he had a massive amount of bikes in the garage & the backyard.i road that sheeet like it was nothing.when summer of '05 came along for my parents to drop me off in san jose to go to state my bike couldn't fit in the honda so i had to leave it there =[[[
almost 3 years later mister bike has either been sold by accident or is under the pile of crapola of random stuff my grandpa gets at the junkyard every saturday morning.

mister longboard got jacked.mainly my fault.because i'm the kind of person who leaves their sheeet lying around like no one is gonna take it.whether its my sidekick, keys, purse, light saber, or gold chain lil' wayne got me for christmas.to me, there's like this invisible steel cage protecting my stuff.ahh haa! think again.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

baahhhh!!! nice title!!! dont worry when you are financially stable then you can buy another one... and dont forget a bike lock!!!